gnome-color-manager-3.14.2-4.12<>,։Tкø/=„?׹pτȡL污{/aj'r jyz7* ~lHVXQJ ʲ]'̌ámSzҿ-2=S0EG9A#RJBIa /A!"TNFM0׋9F#)L ,kn)΂Q*"jwLtgf^ ycƋ4tBBNS2 K*4]Ol='v >D?Ͱd " C &TZ_$XQ Q  >Q  Q  $Q Q Q$QQNxQ )t) c)( 8 ;9!;:&%;>@BFGQH,QIpQX Y Z [\$Q]hQ^'bEcduezfluQvw\QxʠQyczp̀ͤͨCgnome-color-manager3.14.24.12Color management tools for GNOMEGNOME Color Manager is a session framework that makes it easy to manage, install and generate color profiles in the GNOME desktop.T½cloud136' openSUSE 13.2openSUSEGPL-2.0+http://bugs.opensuse.orgSystem/GUI/GNOME if test -x /usr/bin/update-desktop-database; then /usr/bin/update-desktop-database --quiet "/usr/share/applications" || true fi if test -x /usr/bin/suse-update-mime-defaults; then /usr/bin/suse-update-mime-defaults || true fi ICON_THEME="hicolor" if test -x /usr/bin/gtk-update-icon-cache; then /usr/bin/gtk-update-icon-cache --quiet --force "/usr/share/icons/${ICON_THEME}" || true fi if [ $1 -eq 0 ]; then if test -x /usr/bin/update-desktop-database; then /usr/bin/update-desktop-database --quiet "/usr/share/applications" || true fi if test -x /usr/bin/suse-update-mime-defaults; then /usr/bin/suse-update-mime-defaults || true fi fi if [ $1 -eq 0 ]; then ICON_THEME="hicolor" if test -x /usr/bin/gtk-update-icon-cache; then /usr/bin/gtk-update-icon-cache --quiet --force "/usr/share/icons/${ICON_THEME}" || true fi fiF6KF` }&F&BO+ Un p/Oi0UUTii{:p6 msO!+%dO%E| >A큤A큤AA큤A큤A큤A큤A큤T½T½T½T½T½T½T¼T¼T¼T¼T¼T¼T½MGO`=T`MGT`MGT¼T¼T¼T¼T¼T¼T¼T¼T¼T¼T¼T¼T¼T¼T¼T¼T¼T¼T¼T¼T¼T¼T¼T¼T¼T¼T¼T¼T¼T¼T¼T¼T¼T¼T¼T¼T¼T¼T¼T¼T¼T¼T½T¼T½T¼T½T¼T½T¼T½T¼T½T¼T½T¼T½T¼T¼T¼T¼T¼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../apps/gnome-color-manager.png../apps/gnome-color-manager.png../apps/gnome-color-manager.png../apps/gnome-color-manager.png../apps/gnome-color-manager.png../apps/gnome-color-manager.png../apps/gnome-color-manager.png../apps/gnome-color-manager.svgrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootgnome-color-manager-3.14.2-4.12.src.rpmappdata()appdata(gcm-viewer.appdata.xml)application()application(gcm-calibrate.desktop)application(gcm-import.desktop)application(gcm-picker.desktop)application(gcm-viewer.desktop)gnome-color-managergnome-color-manager(x86-32)mimehandler(application/vnd.iccprofile)@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@   /bin/sh/bin/!`TSS#@S@SwO@SI*S0@SRR to the AppData file. - Coherent display kind enum ordering. - Do not lock every time we sample in gcm-picker. - Port to vte-2.91 API. + Updated translations. - Replace pkgconfig(vte-2.90) BuildRequires with pkgconfig(vte-2.91), following upstreams port to vte-2.91.- Update to version 3.13.1: + New Feature: Use CdTransform to convert the sample image. + Bugfix: - Fix gcm_utils_image_convert() to not crash for large images. - Fix several critical warnings when using gcm-viewer. - Speed up deleting profiles by an order of magnitude. + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.12.3: + Bugfixes: - Add to the AppData file. - Coherent display kind enum ordering. - Roughly shape test window to calibration instrument. + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.12.2: + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.12.1: + Bugfixes: - Actually show the gcm-viewer preview when changing profiles. - Fix several critical warnings when using gcm-viewer. - Speed up deleting profiles by an order of magnitude. + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.12.0: + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.11.90: + Roughly shape test window to instrument. + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.11.5: + Fix a potential crash if dispcal started giving unexpected data. + Prevent a crash in gcm-viewer when the ICC profile cannot be loaded. + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.11.3: + Translate the AppData file. + Add some new 16:9 screenshots. + Bugfixes: - ColorChecker is one word. - Correct the approximate timings in the calibration dialog. - Default to quick calibration, should be more than enough. - Don't depend on software we are not using. - Generate display profiles with a perceptual rendering intent. - Laptops can have different display types too. - Make gcm-picker look like a GNOME 3 application. - Make it work with dispcal using stderr. - Remove the 3D hull functionality. - Support more display types. + Updated translations. - Drop pkgconfig(gnome-desktop-3.0), pkgconfig(x11) and pkgconfig(xrandr) BuildRequires: with the removal of 3D hull functionality, those are no longer required.- Update to version 3.10.1: + Use the new AppData screenshots. + Fix grammar in the AppData description. + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.10.0: + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.9.92: + New Features: - Add an AppData description for gcm-viewer. - Use the new cd_icc_get_response() provided in colord 0.1.34. - Use the new cd_icc_get_vcgt() in colord 0.1.34. + Bugfix: - Disable GCM_DATA path prefixing for colord provided image paths. - Do not use a predictable name when saving the PLY temp file. - Do not use g_spawn_command_line_sync() when spawning executables. - gcm_calibrate_is_livecd() should be linux-only. - GtkStock is deprecated. - Kelvin is not a graded scale. - Make wrapping sensible when showing details about profiles. - Tweak a few of the descriptions to reflect reality. - Use CdIcc to load and save ICC profiles. - Use g_ascii_dtostr() to avoid writing locale-specific floats in PLY files. - We need at least clutter 1.12 to properly build with mash. + Updated translations. - Stop passing --disable-scrollkeeper to %configure, not needed anymore.- Update to version 3.8.2: + gcm_calibrate_is_livecd() should be linux-only. + Use g_ascii_dtostr() to avoid writing locale-specific floats. + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.8.1: + Make wrapping sensible when showing details about profiles. + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.8.0: + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.7.92: + New Features: - Add some translations for the GAMUT metadata tags. - Inhibit the screensaver and user switching when calibrating. + Bugfix: - Do not use gtk_image_set_from_file() as we want to see the error if it fails. - Ignore the OPENICC_automatic_generated metadata key. - Set the transient and modal values before showing the window. - Show the entire filename with path in gcm-viewer. - Switch the profile viewer to be a dialog window. + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.7.5: + New Features: - Get the ICC profile pre-cooked MD5 value if it is available. - Show the profile problems in the viewer application. - Use the new sensor metadata to avoid duplicating data tables. + Bugfixes: - Add a missing metadata title to the profile viewer. - Add a 'Show details' button for already-installed profiles. - Correct sheet/minutes counts in the calibration dailog. - Do not use deprecated symbols from colord. - Don't use the deprecated INCLUDES in - Remove gcm-dump-profile, it's no longer used. - Remove the device figures now we depend on a version of colord that installs them - Remove the native calibration code - Remove the obsolete docs - Use cd_client_find_profile_by_property_sync() where available - Use the UTF-8 '…' rather than '...' in UI code + Updated translations. - Add pkgconfig(colord) BuildRequires: new versioned, verified dependency.- Update to version 3.6.1: + Bug fixes: - Better initial orientation for the Lab hull - Calculate the profile whitepoint using the profile transform - Default to normal calibration - Detect Ubuntu casper based livecd's as well - For dispread skip instrument recalibration for the ColorMunki - For the ColorMunki use high resolution measurement mode - Get the ICC profile pre-cooked MD5 value if it is available - Honour precision for dispcal - Large default window size, to prevent mid operation automatic resizing - Move gcm-calibrate to lower right of the screen - Show temperature page for more devices - Use a 0.8 instead of 1.2 sized test window for Argyll + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.6.0: + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.5.90: + Do not use deprecated clutter API + Remove -Werror by default for development builds + Use Yelp tools insted of gnome-doc-utils + Updated translations. - Replace gnome-doc-utils-devel BuildRequires with yelp-tools, following upstream.- Update to version 3.5.3: + Add some checks to prevent gcm-picker crashing + Change display profiles to single gamma + Don't emit a two critical warnings when calibrating a printer + Don't hardcode the AdobeRGB profile + Ensure the print profile mode is set in the calibration dialog + Fix up tooltip strings + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.5.1: + New Features: - Explain how to use the ICC profiles on other systems - Set the 'remote-profile-hash' sensor option when calibration has completed - When using a LiveCD, have a button the user can click on to show the icc profile + Bugfixes: - Allow the user to select a CIE file when looking for chart values - Don't ask the user to choose a CIE reference when one cannot exist - Remove gcm-calibrate-helper as it's now unused - Use CdSampleWindow from libcolord-gtk rather than our own copy + Updated translations. - Replace pkgconfig(colord) BuildRequires with pkgconfig(colord-gtk), following upstreams change.- Update to version 3.4.2: + New Features: - Show the actual ICC profile after calibration if the user is using a LiveCD + Bugfix: - Hide the target whitepoint selection screen if the sensor is a colorimeter + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.4.0: + New Features: - Add an environment variable of ENABLE_COLORHUG=1 for ArgyllCMS V1.3.6 + Bugfix: - Optimize printer target patch count for ColorMunki & A4/Letter paper + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.3.91: + New Features: - Compile the GtkBuilder files as a GResources to speed up startup - Show the calibration progress bar level for new versions of Argyllcms + Bugfix: - Allow the calibration to ask more than one interaction question - Correctly restore the calibration status panel after asking the user a question - Detect a sample misread from argyllcms and try to recover - Do not show a critical warning if we re-try a failed calibration - Don't assume dispcal is /usr/bin/dispcal - Ensure the user can quit if the calibration fails - Ensure the VTE is flushed when the spawned program exits - Fix a critial warning when setting the brightness - Replace use of deprecated clutter api + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.3.5: + New Features: - Add ACCURACY_x to the list of translated metadata keys - Add CONNECTION_type to the list of translated metadata keys - Add SCREEN_surface to the list of translated metadata keys - Add support for MAPPING_device_id - Include the sensor type in the profile metadata - Save the internal panel brightness in the ICC profile + Bugfix: - Correctly spawn profiles with spaces in the filename when using gcm-import - Do not show blank metadata in the profile viewer - Do not use deprecated clutter API - Ensure the sensor is unlocked after failing to get a sample in gcm-picker - Limit display profiles to Single shaper matrix, to keep greyscale neutral - Make the profile metadata accept regular expressions and add the OSD_x keys - Remove the final vestiges of gcm-session - Set the reference kind when calibrating a camera device - Show the profile title as the gcm-viewer window title - Smaller/faster display calibration target sets + Updated translations. - Remove xz BuildRequires now that it comes for free in the build system.- Add argyllcms Requires: calibration requires argyllcms to work.- Update to version 3.3.3: + Merge changes from version 3.2.1. + New Features: - Add an ICC profile metadata blacklist - Add a ColorHug attach image and customised calibration message - Get the primaries when calibrating the screen - Prefix some profile titles with 'Colorspace' or 'Test Profile' - Show a progress bar on the calibration action page - Split out the display characterization and add a helper program to test it + Bugfix: - Add accessible descriptions to the next/prev buttons in gcm-viewer - Add the the mnemonic-widget property to labels in the profile viewer - Before converting a .ti1 file into a .ti3 file load the display calibration - Connect to GSD to change the brightness, not GPM - Fix compile with newer versions of clutter - Force the CIE 1931 diagram to be square - Initialize error pointer for gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size - Move the brightness and inhibit functionality to the calibration module - Normalize the ti3 calibration values - Ship some pregenerated ti1 files - Show an interaction dialog for native samples - Sort the standard and test profiles lower in the profile viewer - Update colorimeter artwork + Updated translations. - Add xz BuildRequires because we can't build a package for a xz-compressed tarball without explicitly specifying that... See bnc#697467 for more details. - Add pkgconfig(gnome-desktop-3.0) BuildRequires: new dependency.- Update to version 3.2.1: + New Features: - Add a calibrate attach image for the 'i1 Display 3' sensor device - Show an error if we can't open the file passed to gcm-viewer --file - Speed up the profile viewer loading when scanning a large number of profiles + Bugfix: - Do not send 'space' when argyllcms asks the user to press any key - Do not use g_application_release() manually - Don't use the deprecated g_format_size_for_display() - Don't use deprecated pango_cairo_font_map_create_context() - Ensure we always set a calibration image if one exists - Fix a crash when calibrating + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.2.0: + Bugfix: - Fix some user visible messages not showing up in PO files + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.1.92: + Bugfix: - Ensure the calibration dialog can be set modal - Escape profile titles that have markup in the titles - Ignore inaccessable profiles from other user accounts - Remove the GLSL demo file, it's moved to colord-playground - Update the man pages to reflect reality + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.1.91: + Bugfix: - Set the calibration wizard to the summary page when finished - Ensure the 2nd stage calibration has the larger calibration square- Update to version 3.1.90: + New Features: - Add a --file argument to gcm-viewer to show files - Allow the profile title to be changed in gcm-calibrate - Ask the user for the target whitepoint when creating a profile - Make importing color profiles sexy - Move the help files to gnome-user-docs - Remove gcm-session, it's not required anymore - Use cd_client_import_profile_sync() when generating profiles + Bugfix: - Allow writing dictionary items of longer then 512 bytes - Correctly use plural forms in the calibration wizard. (bgo#654247) - Do not build with G_DISABLE_DEPRECATED for our future sanity - Fix a crash in gcm-picker when a color sensor is plugged in - Fix a critical warning in gcm-picker when CUPS printers are installed - Fix linking with -Wl,--as-needed - Fix the profile list sorting when the user has virtual profiles from CUPS - Make the clutter and mash dependency non-automagic - Remove the GetProfilesForDevice() DBus method call + Updated translations. - Drop gnome-color-manager-as_needed.patch: fixed upstream. - Remove gnome-common BuildRequires, and call to those were needed for the above patch.- Add colord Requires as the daemon is needed at runtime.- Update to version 3.1.2: + Notes: - The preferences panel has been moved to gnome-control-center. - The device and profile registration module has been moved to gnome-settings-daemon and the gcm-session process is now optional. + New Features: - Save extra metadata in the ICC profile after calibration - Translate the metadata key names in the profile viewer + Removed features - Remove all the rendering intent and default properties - Remove support for non-native drivers in the color picker - Remove the device registration functionality - Remove the GSettings schema - Remove the notification for out of date devices - Remove the preferences panel and create a calibration wizard - Remove the profile store functionality - Remove the sensor plug action and sound - Remove the vendor and model quirk fixups - Remove the 'Working Spaces' tab from gcm-prefs - Remove the X11 xrandr-output output property + Bugfix: - Do not reload when colord appears on the bus - Don't crash when we click on a PPD virtual profile - Don't show profiles without filenames in gcm-viewer + Updated translations. - Add gnome-color-manager-as_needed.patch: Fix build with - Wl,--as-needed. As the patch touches, add gnome-common BuildRequires and call - Drop libcolor-glib1 and -devel subpackages. This has been split out to colord. Add Obsoletes for the packages from the main package (without a Provides as they are not provided). - Remove the glib schema handling: there's no schema anymore. - Drop no longer needed BuildRequires: cups-devel, i2c-tools, sane-backends(-devel), polkit. - Drop no longer needed pkgconfig()-style buildRequires: gnome-settings-daemon, gudev-1.0, libgnome-control-center, libnotify, libusb-1.0.- Update to version 3.1.1: + Notes: - This is the first unstable release for GNOME 3.1. - Lots of code has been moved from gnome-color-manager into colord, and this means that colord is now a dependency of gnome-color-manager. + New Features: - Add a 3D gamut hull to the profile viewer - Add a metadata tab to gcm-viewer to display all the color geek information - Add media whitepoint and color temperature data to gcm-picker - Add named color profile support to gcm-viewer - Add the profile version number to the information viewer tab + Removed features that are now provided by colord - Drop fix-i2c-include.patch: no longer required. - Add pkgconfig(colord) BuildRequires.- Update to version 3.0.0: + Use /org/gnome as starting path for schemas + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.91.92: + Add priority for gnome-settings-daemon plugin schema + Remove the gtk-doc support + Use plugindir from gnome-settings-daemon pkg-config file - Changes from version 2.91.90: + Do not ask the user whether to strip the alpha channel during calibration. + Fix a critical warning when installing the shared-color-targets data. + huey: remove the dark current values before scaling for the calibration matrix. + huey: the CY7C63001 is paired with a 6.00Mhz crystal and it takes 6 clock cycles to process a 16bit inc with carry check. + huey: when reading SENSOR_MEASURE_RGB, READ_GREEN and READ_BLUE, the data value is 32 bits in size. + Use gcm-calculate-fudge to calculate a more accurate value of HUEY_XYZ_POST_MULTIPLY_SCALE_FACTOR. + Updated translations. - Changes from version 2.91.5: + Fix GTK3 API break + GUdev now requires us to set G_UDEV_API_IS_SUBJECT_TO_CHANGE to be able to build. - Changes from version 2.91.3: + New Features: - Set 'ICC meta Tag for Monitor Profiles' data for future use. + Bugfix: - Do not create auto-profiles for XRandR devices without EDID data. - Don't segfault if cmsCreateRGBProfile fails. Fixes rh#653419. - Never show the 'Fine tuning' section in the control center, it invalidates the profiles. - Remove the display tab in the color panel - Changes from version 2.91.2: + New Features: - bgo#632052: Add defines and an attach image for the DTP94 colorimeter. - Add functionality for a virtual profile to be generated from the EDID data. - Add gcm_profile_get_data() and gcm_profile_set_data() which can be used with the DICT tag. - Add gcm_profile_guess_and_add_vcgt() to emulate a VCGT from an ICC profile. - Add the color temperature into the profie viewer details. - At login automatically generate an ICC profile from the EDID and add it to each display device. - Show the color XYZ values in gcm-dump-profile + Bugfix: - Add and remove profiles from gcm-viewer as they are added and removed from the store. - Add the X-GNOME-Settings-Panel category so the control center panel is not in 'Other'. - Add whitepoint, rXYZ, and VCGT functionality to GcmCalibrateNative. - Apply some smoothing to the generated VCGT curves. - Do not keep adding the auto-EDID profile if the user explicitly removes it from the GUI. - Do the request to PackageKit async, to avoid a 200ms lag in the GUI at startup. - Ensure we cancel the PackageKit DBus query if the panel is unloaded. - Ensure we write the colorspace back into the raw profile if we generated it. - If a profile is deleted, ensure it is removed from the control center panel listbox. - If the profile viewer was set modal over the preferences dialog, then don't show a link back to the control center. - Install a schema file to launch gcm-apply by default in new versions of gnome-settings-daemon. - Migrate away from EggDebug and use the builtin GLib logging framework. - Port to libnotify 0.7.0. - Port to the new GtkApplication API. - Read the rXYZ, gXYZ and bXYZ tags to get the profile primaries before using a transform fallback. - Remove deprecated Encoding key from .desktop file. - Remove GcmXYZ and use proper boxed GTypes for the color structures. - Remove the device-specific labels on the first panel page. - Remove the loading GtkInfoBox as it just makes the UI resize at startup. - Reorganize the first pane to stack the devices above the profiles. - Set all the 'Since: ' version numbers to the correct versions. - Set COLOR_MEASUREMENT_DEVICE to get the correct ACL when argyllcms is not installed. - Use the correct icon in the profile viewer when using GNOME Shell. - Changes from version 2.91.1: + New Features: - Add a gnome-settings-daemon module to fix some hard to fix bugs. - Add a QPcard 202 reference image - Add two more example images to the viewer - Add another example image to the viewer - Add a reverse-engineered driver to talk to the HUEY colorimeter - Add the start of a reverse engineerered ColorMunki driver - Add a simple command gcm-ddc-util to be able to send custom DDC packets to a monitor in userspace. - Add a simple parser that can parse the output of the Beagle USB capture device. - Add a status property to GcmSensor to help GUI applications. - Add a udev prober that makes DDC/CI i2c devices available for the user to use. - Add GcmCalibrateNative so we can do a calibration without argyllcms. - Add gcm-dump-to-values to discover new values in the register space. - Add GcmSampleWindow so we can measure known colors in gcm-picker. - Add GcmUsb, a simple object to integrate libusb-1 with the GLib event loop. - Add support for 100% gray colorspaces. - Allow the user to flick between different images in the profile viewer. - Drop GcmXserver, GcmScreen and libgnomedesktop3 and make the X11 code faster and cleaner. - Make gcm-parse-huey be able to parse argyll -D9 traces. - Make gcm-picker work with native sensor devices too. - Split off a library, libcolor-glib for internal use. + Bugfix: - Do not crash if gcm_libusb_pollfd_remove_all() is called without assigning a device. - Do not install the low-level unitilies, and move them to 'tools'. - Do not try to apply devices that are not connected. - Ensure clicking 'Reset' actually resets the device and saves settings. - Ensure EDID strings are printable, and ignore totally junk strings. - Ensure we can compile with vte3. - Fix a crash in gcm-picker if we compiled without VTE support. - Get rid of the 'Color Profiles' section header to reduce panel clutter. - Include the time in the calibration basename as we can calibrate more than once per day. - Rename the softproof intent to 'Print Preview'. - Show the correct copyright notice when a profile has used markup in the description. - Add fix-i2c-include.patch: fix incorrect i2c header include. - Replace pkgconfig() BuildRequires for GNOME 3 port and other updates: + Old: gtk+-2.0, lcms, libcanberra-gtk, vte. + New: gtk+-3.0, lcms2, libcanberra-gtk3, vte-2.0. - Remove now unneeded pkgconfig() BuildRequires: dbus-glib-1, gconf-2.0, gnome-desktop-2.0, unique-1.0, xxf86vm. - Add gcc-c++, i2c-tools, pkgconfig(exiv2), pkgconfig(gnome-settings-daemon), pkgconfig(libexif), pkgconfig(libgnome-control-center), pkgconfig(libusb-1.0) BuildRequires. - Replace GConf2 schemas handling with GSettings schemas handling, with %glib2_gsettings_schema_* macros. - Create -devel and libcolor-glib1 subpackages. - Remove deprecated configure options --enable-hardware-detection and --disable-schemas-install, and pass --disable-static. - Fix category for gcm-prefs.desktop for it to appear in the right GNOME control center category: instead of replacing categories, just add some to make our checks happy.- Call relevant macros in %post/%postun: + %desktop_database_post/postun because the package ships at least one desktop file. + %icon_theme_cache_post/postun because the package ships themed icons. - Pass %{?no_lang_C} to %find_lang so that english documentation can be packaged with the program, and not in the lang subpackage. - Change Requires of lang subpackage to Recommends, since the english documentation is not there anymore.- Own /usr/share/gnome and /usr/share/gnome/help to fix build.- Update to version 2.32.0: + Fix compile on newer GTK2 versions where GDK_DISPLAY() is deprecated + Show the correct copyright notice when a profile has used markup in the description + Updated translations.- Change sane-backends BuildRequires to sane-backends-devel on 11.4 and later, after the devel split.- Update to version 2.31.92: + Don't prompt the user to calibrate the device again if we are re-using the GcmCalibrate instance + Ensure we disconnect the VTE signals when done with GcmCalibrateArgyll + Lower VTE dep and #ifdef the deprecated methods + Only disable deprecated code for --enable-strict builds + Put the executable name in argv[0] for argyll commands, otherwise option processing breaks + Updated translations.- Make gcm-prefs.desktop appear where it should in the menu, by replacing the categories: X-GNOME-SystemSettings needs to be removed, and we want HardwareSettings instead.- Remove libgphoto2-devel BuildRequires: this was there only as a workaround for bnc#592143. - Change old-style BuildRequires to pkgconfig() style BuildRequires: + old-style: dbus-1-glib-devel, gconf2-devel, gnome-desktop-devel, gtk2-devel, libcanberra-devel, libgudev-1_0-devel, liblcms-devel, libnotify-devel, libunique-devel, vte-devel + new-style: dbus-glib-1, gconf-2.0, glib-2.0, gnome-desktop-2.0, gtk+-2.0, gudev-1.0, lcms, libcanberra-gtk, libnotify, unique-1.0, vte, x11, xrandr, xxf86vm. - This will make it easier to switch to GNOME 3 libraries.- Update to version 2.31.91: + Use a new application icon. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.31.6: + Use vte_terminal_fork_command_full() as vte_terminal_fork_command() is deprecated + Include the trailing colon in translated strings. Fixes #619967 + Clean up the temporary file created by cupsGetPPD2(). Fixes rh#582202 - Changes from version 2.30.2: + Do not connect to sane in gcm-apply, we only need XRandR devices. Fixes rh#585723 + Do not crash when the schema is invalid and GConf reports an error + Only connect to SANE and CUPS when the device lists are needed. Fixes rh#590465 + Get the profile permissions from GIO rather than hardcoding a hack + At login do not attempt to remove previously set X atoms, which speeds up gcm-apply by 750ms + Updated translations.- Add HardwareSettings category to gcm-prefs.desktop, instead of wrong Monitor and X-SuSE-ControlCenter-LookAndFeel.- Added support for translation-update-upstream (FATE#301344).- Update to version 2.30.1: + Do not explode when viewing the details of a CMYK profile + Make gcm-fix-profile open the profile from memory, as then we can catch common access permission errors + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.30.0: + New Features: - Add a 'created' and 'modified' key to each device in the config file - Add a DBus method GetDevices() and relax the checks in GetProfilesForDevice() to also take a device ID - Add an entry to the FAQ to explain the difference between calibration and characterization - Add a notification when devices with profiles need recalibrating - Add CMP DT 003 target image - Add images of the Colorimtre HCFR - Add images of the i1 Pro - Add info regarding high precision for display profiling - Allow the user to choose the calibration precision using an interactive dialog - Convert the .tiff files to .jpeg if we are creating a print profile - Do not rely on usb.ids, but instead encode the colorimeter type in the udev rules - Emit ::changed on the public DBus interface when devices are added or removed - For laptops, use the DMI data to contruct the calibration filename - Make sure the profile comboboxes are alphabetically sorted - Show each device setting when we use gcm-inspect --dump - Use libsane to get our scanners, which means remote devices are now supported - When devices are connected and disconnected, do not remove then add them, just change the state + Bugfix: - Check and correct TIFF image files with alpha channels before using them in argyllcms. Fixes rh#569564 - Correct terminology in help file - Correct use of calibrate/profile and replace device by instrument - Do not crash attempting to add cups printers without PPD file - Do not crash the DBus service if a device does not have a profile set and it is included in a query - Do not crash when GetProfileForWindow() succeeds in finding a window - Do not use ACL_MANAGE, udev is already doing this for us - Fix "cast increases required alignment of target type" [ia64] - Fix up some translatable messages. Fixes bgo#612111 - Fix wrong word in data/ Fixes bgo#612105 - If there are any lcms warnings in gcm-fix-profile, do not attempt to re-save the profile - Make gcm-install-system-wide a little more paranoid from users that might want to be horrible - Parse the EDID more carefully to not overwrite the model with junk for an invalid entry. - Prevent a segfault if ppdOpenFile() fails for whatever reason - Update profiling precision wording - Use the model name for the SANE id, the 'name' attribute depends on the USB port used - Warn if GConf is not set correctly when setting up the dialog + Updated translations. - Add libnotify-devel, sane-backends BuildRequires.- Update to version 2.29.4: + New Features: - Add a thumbnail image of the ColorCheckerDC - Add ColorCheckerSG thumbnail - Add LaserSoftDCPro thumbnail - Add printer profiling support using argyllcms and GtkPrint - Add some device type icons - Add support for sending calibration images to print shops - Add four more target thumbnails - Allow UDEV and CUPS coldplug to be done multi-threaded - Allow virtual devices to be added to the device list - bgo#609444: Automatically use the EXIF data if available from TIFF files when calibrating devices. - Conform to ICC Profiles in X Specification 0.3 - Detect printers by connecting to CUPS rather than scraping the HPLIP properties - Enable half-height targets for the ColorMunki, and double the patch counts for this hardware - Make users do the legwork when there is an unrecognised colorimeter - Play sounds using libcanberra when user interaction is required - Properly support projectors in the UI, and in the argyllcms wrapper - Remove GCM_HARDWARE_DETECTION as we're now shipping our own udev rules - Save the device colorspace in the config file so we can set profiles when not connected - Set a tooltip explaining why the calibrate button is insensitive - Set per-user xsane global and device settings when we have assigned a scanner profile - bgo#610287: Show a GtkInfoBar warning if the profile has no vcgt table - Support other types of reference file other than IT8 - Three FAQ entries out of five suggested filled in - Update Help Preferences Text + Bugfix: - bgo#610288: Add an 'All files' option on the file choosers. - bgo#610771: Add AC_PROG_RANLIB to configure. - bgo#566414: Add a list of colorimeters as we'll need this if argyllcms is not installed. - Ask for the chart type first before we ask for calibration files - Capitalization fix for 'More Information' button - Correct help Intro and Usage (Paul Finnigan) - Do low quality calibration when using targets with a low number of patches - Do not allow devices to be assigned profiles in different colorspaces from native - bgo#610846: Do not make the display calibration button sensitive (with tooltip) if we are using < XRandR 1.3 drivers - Do not show the display as 'default' even when using the binary blob - Don't add Cups-PDF devices to the device list - bgo#566275: Ensure ~/.color/icc exists at startup - Ensure we set ID_MODEL_FROM_DATABASE and ID_VENDOR_FROM_DATABASE even if we're using old versions of argyllcms - Fix segfault when the profile has no description - Have scanin compensate for perspective distortion - HIG string and capitalization fixes - Only require the device to be present if it is a display type - Read the ti2 file for the calibration model if we are analysing existing targets - Replace ColorCheckerSG with a newly processed one - Replace colprof -aS with -aG - Set the colorspace on unconnected devices to avoid getting no profiles in the list - rh#566606: Show a label in the device section when the user is using a xrandr-fallback driver. - Support colorimeter devices that need to change mode in the middle of the calibration - bgo#610285: Use GFile internally so we can support importing profiles from gvfs mount points. - BuildRequire libcanberra-devel, cups-devel and libtiff-devel.- Update to version 2.29.3: + New Features: - Enable the rendering intent and default colorspace UI elements - Show whether the ICC profile has a VCGT tag in the UI - Filter out non RGB and CMYK color space profiles from the combo-boxes using a heuristic - Add a new DBus method GetProfileForWindow which can return a profile for a supplied XID - Add some new text and tooltips to the prefs dialog - Add per-user OSX ICC profiles at startup - Add OSX and Windows ICC profiles if they exist from mounted volumes. Fixes bgo#607390 - Add a device profile entry of 'Other profile...' to be able to easily import a profile. Fixes bgo#607389 - Add a precision GConf variable to control the time a calibration takes. Fixes bgo#605558 - Screenscrape the Argyll output to better support other hardware devices. Fixes bgo#605558 - Do not show the 'Fine tuning' expander by default, and have configuration in GConf + Bugfix: - Zero out GErrors after freeing. Fixes crash - Add gnome-desktop path as fallback for pci.ids - Do not generate an error if a display profile does not have CLUT data - Add gcm-fix-profile to load and then re-save existing profiles using lcms - Fix compile when using an ld that defaults to --as-needed - Do not allow the colorspace combobox to be zero sized. Fixes bgo#606484 - Make gcm-prefs a normal dialog rather than a modal dialog - Only scan ICC locations with hfs partition types for OSX and msdos/NTFS types for Windows - Make gcm-prefs startup a few hundred ms quicker by not loading the list of screens - Cache gnome_rr_screen_new and take 0.7 seconds off the start time - Don't resize the window on startup. Fixes bgo#607391 - Update the Free Software Foundation address- Cleanup packaging.- Initial package/bin/sh/bin/shgnome-color-manager-devellibcolor-glib1cloud136 1422048514  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ3.14.2-   gcm-calibrategcm-importgcm-inspectgcm-pickergcm-viewergcm-helper-exivappdatagcm-viewer.appdata.xmlgcm-calibrate.desktopgcm-import.desktopgcm-picker.desktopgcm-viewer.desktopgnome-color-managerAUTHORSCOPYINGChangeLogMAINTAINERSNEWSREADMEgnome-color-managerfiguresviewer-example-00.pngviewer-example-01.pngviewer-example-02.pngviewer-example-03.pngiconscalibration-long.svgcalibration-normal.svgcalibration-short.svgclock.svgcrt.svglcd.svgprojector.svgscan-target-bad.svgscan-target-good.svgscan-target.svgtargetsCMP-DigitalTarget3.pngCMP_DT_003.pngColorChecker24.pngColorCheckerDC.pngColorCheckerSG.pngIT872.pngLaserSoftDCPro.pngQPcard_201.pngQPcard_202.pngi1_RGB_Scan_14.pngunknown.pngti1display-long.ti1display-normal.ti1display-short.ti1printer-long.ti1printer-normal.ti1printer-short.ti1gnome-color-managercolor-import-linux.pagecolor-import-osx.pagecolor-import-windows.pagelegal.xmlgnome-color-manager.pngapplication-vnd.iccprofile.pnggnome-color-manager.pngapplication-vnd.iccprofile.pnggnome-color-manager.pngapplication-vnd.iccprofile.pnggnome-color-manager.pngapplication-vnd.iccprofile.pnggnome-color-manager.pngapplication-vnd.iccprofile.pnggnome-color-manager.pngapplication-vnd.iccprofile.pnggnome-color-manager.pngapplication-vnd.iccprofile.pnggnome-color-manager.svgapplication-vnd.iccprofile.svggcm-calibrate.1.gzgcm-import.1.gzgcm-inspect.1.gzgcm-picker.1.gzgcm-viewer.1.gz/usr/bin//usr/lib//usr/share//usr/share/appdata//usr/share/applications//usr/share/doc/packages//usr/share/doc/packages/gnome-color-manager//usr/share/gnome-color-manager//usr/share/gnome-color-manager/figures//usr/share/gnome-color-manager/icons//usr/share/gnome-color-manager/targets//usr/share/gnome-color-manager/ti1//usr/share/help/C//usr/share/help/C/gnome-color-manager//usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps//usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/mimetypes//usr/share/icons/hicolor/22x22/apps//usr/share/icons/hicolor/22x22/mimetypes//usr/share/icons/hicolor/24x24/apps//usr/share/icons/hicolor/24x24/mimetypes//usr/share/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps//usr/share/icons/hicolor/256x256/mimetypes//usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps//usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/mimetypes//usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps//usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/mimetypes//usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps//usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/mimetypes//usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps//usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/mimetypes//usr/share/man/man1/-fomit-frame-pointer -fmessage-length=0 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -gobs://           ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 3.0.0, BuildID[sha1]=4cd194918750f0439e955cad92017d1c234a3799, strippedELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 3.0.0, BuildID[sha1]=5fc8dd2790ab1f47880748967c43983d1b6fa7e1, strippedELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 3.0.0, BuildID[sha1]=5e4fc6ee543231ecfe210a190f971ce2510eec19, strippedELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 3.0.0, BuildID[sha1]=cb65d8a5021c777a0d643e4a15744a0478f0d095, strippedELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 3.0.0, BuildID[sha1]=348a1562edd59833c5cd2af48fb0419d2c175c8c, strippedELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 3.0.0, BuildID[sha1]=3230b52fa73788175f58e45bbfc449899b114555, strippeddirectoryXML document textUTF-8 Unicode textASCII textPascal source, ASCII textPNG image data, 400 x 200, 8-bit/color RGB, non-interlacedSVG Scalable Vector Graphics imagePNG image data, 200 x 140, 8-bit/color RGB, non-interlacedPNG image data, 200 x 140, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlacedHTML document, ASCII textPNG image data, 16 x 16, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlacedPNG image data, 22 x 22, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlacedPNG image data, 24 x 24, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlacedPNG image data, 256 x 256, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlacedPNG image data, 32 x 32, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlacedPNG image data, 48 x 48, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlacedPNG image data, 64 x 64, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlacedtroff or preprocessor input, ASCII text (gzip compressed data, max compression, from Unix)"-;MXZ\_a  RRRR R R R RRRR#R$RRRR RRRRRRRRRR RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR RRRRRRRRRRRRRRR RRRRR RRRRRRRRR"RR R!RRRRRRPPPPPPP PPPPU"'*^8WPackageKitgnome-color-manager-lang?]"k%~?aX᪠rMy>V8 _OؑoP1mluޓ=R6JCDAJjh7BH$@(kg'V'^! 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